When my husband and I have talked about blogs, he tells me that he can't understand why anyone would want to write personal things and then post them for everyone in the world to see. I've tried to explain that what people blog about--at least the bloggers who have people continue to check in and see what they're thinking about--isn't the deeply sacred things of their soul. The blogs that I love to read are the kind of writing that I would find in a family letter or a book of personal essays. Writers like Lewis Thomas (The Medusa and the Snail: More Notes of a Biology Watcher) and Robert Fulghum (It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It) are two that come to mind. I know that my husband worries at the back of his mind that I will say something to embarrass him. He is my beloved and determined avoider of conflict (a trait that makes him incredibly adept at what he does at work every day).
He is so much a part of me--after 27 years married to him--that I can't really seperate what and who I am from who he is. Everything that I write, everything that I think, everything that I see, is influenced by the fact that I know he loves and cherishes me more than any other person on this earth. He is the one who taught me what it means to be selfless. He, literally, always takes the smaller piece of cake and the broken cookie so that I can have the bigger and the whole. He has shown me that I can trust him with my secrets, my worries, my shortcomings--and he will love me all the more for confiding in him. When something goes wrong, he never fixes blame, but instead works with me to fix the problem. There is no one who could ever love me better.
I didn't know what to start this blog with. Usually I am seen in the context of what I am doing or who my children are--a teacher, a student, Megan's mom, Lauren's mom, Nathan's mom. It is only fitting, then, that I begin with my husband--the Brent of carolynandbrent.
I have more to say: about manic depression, horsebackriding, cancer, English composition, Argentina, teenagers, math, moving, sandhill cranes, and the piano. Among other things--
I love reading your thoughts and started my blog last summer after losing a very dear friend unexpectedly. She died of surgical complications, beautiful and perfect with six adorable children. My broken heart was insignificant compared to her family but after spending hours and days reading every word she wrote in her blog, the mixed up mind of a mom, I fell in love with her all over again. What a blessing it was to "read" Cynthia and never forget her sunshine soul. This is why we write. To leave that monument for others and to share a little bit of who we are with the ones who will need us. Thanks for what you give to every post, Love, Adele