Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Bones I Don't Have Any More

It has just occurred to me this week that I only have 204 bones in my body now.  I know that amputees have fewer than normal number of bones--I just haven't ever thought of myself in that way.  I can still do everything I could do before.  The scars aren't obvious.  I know that no one but myself will notice that my hand looks and performs differently than other people's.  The pain is gone--along with the bones.  I don't itch either.

I hate itching more than hurting.  After the last surgery, I had a horrible allergic reaction to something that got on my skin while they were putting the partial cast and final dressings on.  It started to itch--sometimes a symptom of healing--and it got worse and worse.  Almost crazy with the irritation, I finally tore off the bandages.  The entire area covered by the bandages was angry and red--raised and bubbling  with small bumps filled with fluid in clusters.  I've had several bouts of staph skin infections--and they itched BIG time.  I hate itching.  We went to the walk in clinic down the street.  The doctor took one look and told me that it was an allergic reaction.  Just to be on the safe side, she gave me an antibiotic along with the steroids.

I am starting rehab now.  The scar is a bit tender, but that will fade.  I can play the piano--after a fashion--and I am typing this with both hands.

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